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We offer a wide array of telecommunication services. Work with us to tailor the needs of your business. Whatever you require we can work together to find an effective solution. Our consulting services are for customers of all shapes and sizes, from customers just starting out, to others who are looking to conduct business more efficiently or move in a new direction. Learn more about our company and priciple. We use our experience to help you achieve best practices — saving time and money.
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Site Survey

Site surveys are done for various reasons.

  • Prior to bidding on a new installation or an addition to an existing installation. We will determine what type of cables are needed, how to install the cables and what the cost will be.
  • Helping a client determine what type(s)
    of cables, jacks & patch panels they already have.
  • Response to an RFP or RFQ.




Our site surveys are typically done at no charge to the client. A site survey will allow
us to access the clients existing cabling and infrastructure. After a survey is completed
MBC will provide the client with a written assessment of what was found. We will not just look at the cable, but also the other passive components such as jacks and patch panels. The environment of the ceiling and walls & riser capacity will also be investigated.

We can identify the type of cables presently installed and let the client know what performance to expect from those cables.

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